i can't believe how long it's been since i last posted, but in my defense, a lot has happened! i have been back to work for about a month and a half now and my little baby is 4 months old! where has the time gone?
truman had his 4-month appointment this past week and is now up to 26 1/4 inches long and a whopping 17 lbs, 13 oz! he's above the 90th percentiles for both height and weight, but fortunately his head is only at the 50th percentile!
work is going well, like i mentioned before we have the best situation possible with my mother-in-law watching truman while joel and i are at work. it has been so wonderful to know that he is being well taken care of and that he gets to play with grandma all day! what a blessing that is. i am enjoying being back to work, though retail is never easy. i really love my job and am so glad everything is going so well.
truman was finally blessed about 2 weeks ago and joel gave him an amazing blessing. it was so overwhelming for me to witness that and i feel so grateful for my little family and the blessing of the church in our lives. it was also nice to have some out-of-town family here for the occasion including both my parents and joel's sister anne. of course the locals were here also, as well as some good friends.
(that picture of the family is from the weekend of his blessing)
You guys are a seriously cute family. I LOVE the name Truman. It is perfect.
Hi Em,
Isn't four months a fun age? It sounds like things are going well for you all, and I love the photos you posted! By the way, happy birthday last week. I hope it was a good one.
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